Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is a science which can derive the fact of diseases based on the planetary positions. Astrology makes it possible to predict the disease well before it comes into existence in the body.

The medical astrology affects based on the past life deeds. Also, it can happen when the planets have bad aspects. It depends on the Lord of the 1st house as the 1st house represents health.

When planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu are positioned in the 6th, the 8th and the 12th house then a disease can be seen, as this house represents disease, longevity or accident and death respectively.

The systematic functioning of our body depends on the placement of the planets at the time of birth.

Every Rashi sign has significant role and impact:

Aries(Head, Brain, Blood)

Taurus( Neck & Bones, Teeth)

Gemini(Shoulders, Bones, Breathing & Lungs)

Cancer(Chest, Stomach problems)

Leo(Back bone, Heart)

Virgo(Stomach, Kidney, Abdomen)


Scorpio( Bladders, Blood, Sexual organs)

Sagittarius( Tighes, Joints)

Capricorn(Joints, bones)

Aquarius(Ankles, legs)

Pisces( Eyes, feet)


There are so many other factors related to Medical Astrologywhich I will provide in due course……….

Thanks to all the my readers.

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