Astrological Highlights in your horoscope
Effects of ascendant, moon sign, etc. planets
Astrological Analysis of your situation
Specific Answer to your query
Astro Advice
Remedial suggestions like a gemstone, yantra, etc.
Important planetary influences in the near future
You will get 100% personalized answers and reply on the basis of your birth details.
Very Basic Report: It will take 5-7 working days to deliver will contain everything in a limited sentence.
Horoscope Report 1yr: It will take 5-7 working days to deliver will contain everything in a limited sentence about your horoscope and a detailed report of your Palmistry. Either one you have to select in 7-8 pages.
Horoscope Report 5 yrs: Palmistry in-depth analysis or basic report of the horoscope: it will take 5-7 working days to deliver will contain everything with basic information about planetary transit and Dasha in 20 pages approx.
Horoscope Report 10 yrs: It will take 10-15 days to deliver will contain everything with detailed information about planetary transit and dasha. Each and everything like career, business, health, education, the property will be discussed in detail in 40 pages approx.
Video Report: The video will be around 15-20 min duration after analysing your palm. It would take 7-10 days to deliver through share drive as the file will be quite big.
Lifetime report: It will be 80-100 pages report approx, will take around 25-30 days to prepare.
If you have any queries then you can email me: or WhatsApp me: +886-966703428 or +91-9886567218 for more information on this.
Delivery Policy:
I will reply to you in 5 minimum working days. Once you receive the predictions, if you have any follow up questions then you can email me back and accordingly reply will be given to you.