Navagraha Mantra Chanting can be a Remedy for all Your Problems

Astrologically this system of nine planets is responsible for all the good and bad events & activities in our lives which varies depending on their placements in the natal chart.
If a planet is in an exalted position, then it can be a boon for our life, but if it is debilitated or afflicted, it can cause us serious troubles.
These Nine Planets (Navagraha) Beej Mantras are very useful in Dashas of any particular planet. By reciting these Navagraha Beej Mantras one can remove all malefic effects of planets. Whichever Planet is troubling you in your Horoscope (Janam Kundli), start chanting mantra related to it as per mentioned number daily. After only 40 days you will experience yourself that you are getting benefited. Chanting of beej mantras of Navagraha also brings following benefits :-
- Helps remove negative effects of particular Grahas.
- Improves quality of personal and professional life.
- Gains the positive blessings of the Navagrahas.
- Keeps away bad luck and misfortune
- Keeps away diseases and ailments.
- Helps to attain salvation (Moksha).
Surya Beej Mantra : Om Hram Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaay Namah
Chandra Beej Mantra : Om Shraam Sreem Shraum Sah Chandraay Namah
Mangal Beej Mantra : Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaay Namah
Budh Beej Mantra : Om Bram Breem Braum Sah Budhaay Namah
Guru Beej Mantra : Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namah
Shukra Beej Mantra : Om Dram Dreem Draum Sah Shukraay Namah
Shani Beej Mantra : Om Pram Preem Praum Sah Shanichraay Namah
Rahu Beej Mantra : Om Bhram Bhreem Bhraum Sah Rahuve Namah
Ketu Beej Mantra : Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Ketuve Namah